Two pieces of supporting documentation were submitted to a Virginia county clerk's office with a 1785 marriage bond and I don't understand the significance. The families involved are not Quakers so I do not believe "friends" is used in that manner. Does anyone have ideas why these documents accompany the marriage bond? Thank you.
Transcript 1: Sir, This is to Certify that I am Ingaged to be married to Thomas Murray + that all my friends is a Greed to the Match Given under my hand this 26 of Septbr 1785
Susannah Scott
Teste Gross Scruggs
Mr. James Steptoe Clark B County
Transcript 2: Sir, I do hereby Certify that my Sister Susannah is of full age, to choose or refuse for herself, & that I believe that there is no Objection amongst her Friends of her intermarriage with Thomas Murray.
From yr
Humb Sert
William Scott
Nathan Reed
Thomas Scruggs
To Mr Ja Steptoe