Looking for Jack McAllen, Francis McAllen, Patricia McAllen, Hellen McAllen, James McAllen,Thomas McAllen highland park Michigan 1930 or1931 census or prior
Looking for Jack McAllen, Francis McAllen, Patricia McAllen, Hellen McAllen, James McAllen,Thomas McAllen highland park Michigan 1930 or1931 census or prior
I found the census you are looking for tboyle, but magically for whatever reason, have tried to upload/copy paste the census for you..and for whatever reason, the site is not letting me add it. Had no issues Friday. Now, cannot even copy/paste an image.
yay! finally allowed me to add it! woo hoo! Ty HH !!
yay! finally allowed me to add it! woo hoo! Ty HH !!