Why was there no 'Indian schedule' in the 1920 census?


I understand that there was a special 'Indian schedule' used to enumerate Native Americans for the 1900 and 1910 census, but that this schedule was discontinued from the 1920 census onwards. Among other things, this led to a undercount of the Native American population in 1920.

I was wondering if there was any known reason for this change (e.g., in order to reduce costs, or because of a change in priorities at the Census Bureau). I was not able to find any reference to the change in the Act of 1919 (https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/decennial/1920/1919-census-act.pdf), nor in various overviews of the 1920 census (e.g., https://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/index_of_questions/1920_1.html).

Thank you for your time.

  • By 1920, the US government had reclaimed all the unclaimed Indian land; they had had the land grab run; and Oklahoma had become a state, and was no longer considered Indian Territory.  The Dawes Rolls were closed. 

    President Grover Cleveland felt the best way to take care of Indians was to make them part of white society. So there would no longer have been any need for a separate Indian Schedule on the census. 

    At least, that would be my best guesstimate in going thru records. 

  • By 1920, the US government had reclaimed all the unclaimed Indian land; they had had the land grab run; and Oklahoma had become a state, and was no longer considered Indian Territory.  The Dawes Rolls were closed. 

    President Grover Cleveland felt the best way to take care of Indians was to make them part of white society. So there would no longer have been any need for a separate Indian Schedule on the census. 

    At least, that would be my best guesstimate in going thru records. 

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