Is there some way to search the census by institution?
Is there some way to search the census by institution?
If the institution was it's own Enumeration District, then it's name would be part of that EDs definition. At our Unified Tool at you can search for the name. For example.... the top is 1950 but other census years are there. Let's say I want to find Hospitals in California. Pick State: California. Pick City or Town ..Other (specify). Enter Hospital in the open box. See the EDs on the bottom. Press "More Details" to see their definitions. The ED numbers are links, eventually, to the first page of the ED. When I was transcribing streets from ED maps, if I saw an Institution that wasn't it's own ED, I still added that to the ED definition so it could be searched for. Good luck.
Thank you for the useful tool. It did enable me to narrow down my search somewhat, but I could not locate the institution I was looking for.
A second (or third) pair of eyes might help. If you provide more details, others can take a look.
I am looking for census records for House of the Good Shepherd. They had two locations - one in Minneapolis, MN & one in St Paul, MN. I am interested in finding the records for the Minneapolis location. I think the approximate address for the Minneapolis one was: Bloomington and South 27th Street.
I was able to fine the census records for the St Paul location.
Searching through Minneapolis newspapers on only shows references to the St. Paul location during that time period. For example,
Thank you for the additional information. I'd seen some of those articles before, but not the one about the merger, and the "Midway" house. Unfortunately, the article doesn't give a specific location for that Midway house.
I've been trying to find out some more information from the Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, Province of Mid-North America, as they have indicated that they have archived information about that institution. For many months, they weren't taking any requests for information. About a month ago, they posted an email, but whenever I send my request, I get an automated email saying that the person associated with that email is out of the office, with different dates of return each time.
So fingers crossed, perhaps I'll one day get some sort of response from them.