Looking for Edward F. and Mary B. Deichler and Walter Forrey
Looking for Edward F. and Mary B. Deichler and Walter Forrey
I did a quick look on FamilySearch for Deichler (no hits) and Forrey (no Walter) for 1910 Dauphin County, PA. If you have an address for either you can use our ED finder at: https://stevemorse.org/census/unified.html?year=1910 Harrisburg is one of the cities that we did street indexes for for 1910.
Thanks for your help. The only information I could find was from the 1920 and 1930 census and it did not list an address. They all lived in the same house in Harrisburg. It was owned by Frederick and Mary and Walter was a border. I am trying to determine when Walter became a border. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.