1950 Census Brooklyn NY Enumeration District

I'd like to get a map of enumeration district 24-1909, Kings County, Brooklyn, NY, from the 1950 census. Page 8 of 9 for the Brooklyn enumeration maps shows a blank area, with the words "See Map 34" for the area that includes EDs 24-1905 thru 1910. How can I find Map 34 so I can see what ED 24-1909 looked like? We lived there when I was born and I have not been able to locate any maps from what was a temporary veterans' facility. Thanks a lot!

  • Mark,

    The National Archives did **not** put online all of their ED maps.  For some areas, usually high density housing projects, they produced a submap showing each structure (within it's own ED), but for the county map, just showed a range of EDs for the project and "see map ##".  There have been others on HistoryHub if you can search the answers that ran into the same problem.  The cartography section of the National Archives helped them out and, in some cases, as a courtesy photocopied the map for the person inquiring.    OK.... second answer.  Doing this in real time.  We have transcribed the ED definitions for all the 1950 material, and posted online scans of the original census films.  It looks like ED 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, (with prefix 24-) are all on the same "block".  1907 is the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital.  The others have specific boundaries.  I'm going to get you to their boundary description....next... and then look at my copy of the Brooklyn ED map to see what it looks like.... so.... Go to https://stevemorse.org/census/eddef1224.html?reel=140&image=4386&year=1950  There are two images on this frame.  Scroll **down** to see the image that has your target.  The 4 boundary lines are on the North, East, South, West side of the boundary.  A whooping 1,119 people are in this 1950 ED (1909) !!!  Now..... next I'm looking at the 1950 ED map of your area.  No help as you know.  Hopefully a current map will show the small streets in that area and you can use the boundary descriptions to decide which of those 1906-1910 contain your specific residence.... how do you know it's in 1909?  It could be in the other EDs.  I should have in my map collection Brooklyn maps of this area circa 1950 in case you run into trouble.

  • Mark,

    The National Archives did **not** put online all of their ED maps.  For some areas, usually high density housing projects, they produced a submap showing each structure (within it's own ED), but for the county map, just showed a range of EDs for the project and "see map ##".  There have been others on HistoryHub if you can search the answers that ran into the same problem.  The cartography section of the National Archives helped them out and, in some cases, as a courtesy photocopied the map for the person inquiring.    OK.... second answer.  Doing this in real time.  We have transcribed the ED definitions for all the 1950 material, and posted online scans of the original census films.  It looks like ED 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, (with prefix 24-) are all on the same "block".  1907 is the U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital.  The others have specific boundaries.  I'm going to get you to their boundary description....next... and then look at my copy of the Brooklyn ED map to see what it looks like.... so.... Go to https://stevemorse.org/census/eddef1224.html?reel=140&image=4386&year=1950  There are two images on this frame.  Scroll **down** to see the image that has your target.  The 4 boundary lines are on the North, East, South, West side of the boundary.  A whooping 1,119 people are in this 1950 ED (1909) !!!  Now..... next I'm looking at the 1950 ED map of your area.  No help as you know.  Hopefully a current map will show the small streets in that area and you can use the boundary descriptions to decide which of those 1906-1910 contain your specific residence.... how do you know it's in 1909?  It could be in the other EDs.  I should have in my map collection Brooklyn maps of this area circa 1950 in case you run into trouble.
