Seeking to correct error in names on 1950 census for ED 19-5

Error in names on 1950 census, Wyoming, Sweetwater county, Rocksprings, ED 19-5 Line 27, 28 and 29 . 27 should be Warren Goodrich, 28 should be Ivory Goodrich, 29 should be Robert Goodrich . I am line 29 on the census. I would like to get the index corrected for 1950 census,  Wyoming, Sweetwater county, Rocksprings, ED 19-5 lines 27, 28 and 29.  Please fix it so that it will not be wrong FOREVER. Thank You

Parents Reply
  • Bob, at this point our website developers don't plan to remove the OCR gibberish or mistakes.  I do hope at some point that the website developers will improve the website by showing the information transcribed by yourself and others below the census image (which doesn't happen now - even though the transcriptions makes the index function better).  Ideally, human transcriptions would replace the OCR information.  When or what changes will be made to the website, I have no way of predicting.   If instead you're saying the original 1950 census record has errors in it, that's not surprising as it was created by humans.

  • Thank you for your response Claire.

    What I don't understand is why the developers want to keep a known flawed index.  South Dakota's index is complete and sure enough my wife's father's first name is transcribed wrong. I've made the transcription tool index "improvement" for that bad transcription as well. Mistakes are to be expected, but humans can correct those mistakes as well.  If it is important enough to create the index in the first place, then it should be equally important to correct it. The uncorrected index will remain forever!

    Thank You,

    Bob Goodrich