Hi all,
I've been working with the musical theatre workflow for a few months now and I was hoping to get some clarification on the guidelines as per the instructions PDF. In the instructions, it says not to transcribe dynamic/crescendo-decrescendo symbols, but the example page doesn't have any written-out dynamic change markings (i.e. "cresc." or "più p", where the p is a symbol mark). I've seen different interpretations of what to include and what not to from different volunteers' transcriptions, but I couldn't find anywhere that said for certain what (if any) of this type of text to transcribe. Sometimes, like in my second example, the plain text instruction needs the context of the dynamic symbol to make sense, which makes things even more unsure to me. I personally have not been transcribing either of these types of marks that appear below/between lines of music, but have been doing so with others that are not related to dynamics (such as "rit."/"a tempo" or direction on the tone of the music).
I hope someone on the LOC end of things can clear things up regarding this. I'd be happy to explain this issue further; it's a rather granular detail, but one I keep running into. Thanks in advance for your help!