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Hello! Thank you for taking the time to explore History Hub, the discussion space for the Library of Congress' latest crowdsourcing initiative.

We'd love to hear from you about what brings you to the project, how you're using in the classroom or for your research, and the interesting things you've discovered while transcribing. Don't worry, you don't have to be an educator, researcher or even a regular participant on the project to chime in! You're welcome here, and we're grateful to all our volunteers for any time they can spend transcribing, reviewing, tagging or chatting about the Library's fascinating collections.

  • Hi all. I'm a processing archivist here at NARA, and community manager for the "Researchers Help" space here on History Hub. Having spent the first half of my career working with NARA's photo collections, I am naturally drawn to LC's fabulous collections too. Recently I spent a great deal of time annoying the Prints and Photographs staff with caption submissions for some of the distressingly large number of "no caption" images in the National Photo Co. and Harris & Ewing collections. The most rewarding part was identifying two of NARA's early division chiefs:


                                                   LC-H2-B-8017 and 8018 (P&P)

                                                          Roscoe Hill, Division of Classification, ca. 1935


                                                 LC-H2-B-8253 (P&P)

                                                        Thomas M. Owen, Division of Accessions, ca. 1935

         With over 30,000 images labeled "no caption" in the Harris & Ewing collection (and many more with such

         informative captions as "Man seated at desk"), this might make an excellent CROWD project for the future!

         Best wishes to everyone involved with this exciting new venture.

  • Thanks for introducing yourself Alan, and for outlining your request/hope for additional functionality and collection types in Crowd. We've had a lot of in-house enthusiasm for this kind of functionality as we built over the last year. It's definitely something we're keen to explore.

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