Spanish/French Items in Roosevelt Campaign Need Transcribing or Review

In the part of the Roosevelt Campaign that I've been working on recently, I've run across a number of pages in Spanish or French that need transcribing or review. I know that some of you enjoy working on these, so here they are:

Theodore Roosevelt Papers: Series 1: Letters and Related Material, 1759-1919; 1906, July 9-Aug. 13

French: mss382990066-705-706, 724-725, 729-732

Spanish: mss382990066--647 thru -651 [NOTE: I have already transcribed these but I can't find a foreign keyboard that works for me.  While reviewing you will need to add tildes and accents. A few of them have been added by someone else.]

I hope I've made this clear. Let me know if you have questions.

  • Dear Laurie Nelson (and Diane Estes),


    (My name is Ethan Kent (username "EthanFromBellmore" here); I have "met" Diane at History Hub, but I'm not sure that have "met" Laurie N. before.)

    I've been paying attention to some recent posts here concerning French-language and Spanish-language material in the Theodore Roosevelt Papers Campaign, so I noticed Laurie N.'s post's "headline" when I received my weekly notification of new posts from History Hub on Thursday, the 27th.

    (I'm sorry that I have not replied earlier. )

    I would like to say the following about the French-language and Spanish-language texts mentioned by Laurie N.  (which I have all looked at; I have done what work I could with the French-language text in pages 705 & 706):

    1) The French-language text in pages 705 & 706 seems to be a letter from a French (book and periodical) publisher (its name survives in today's Hachette Book Group) -- discussing an article in one of their periodicals (which turns out to be centered on an interview with President Roosevelt -- if you "look ahead" to page proofs of the article (the material seen in Pages 729 to 732).

    I have made those revisions that I could make in the transcriptions of Pages 706 & 706, but I decided to save the transcriptions as "In Progress" rather than "Submit for Review" (although if advised here to do so, I will "Submit for Review").

    The transcriptions are (for now) incomplete as there seems to be shorthand (which I would guess would be French-language shorthand) material in Page 705 which I can do nothing with, and because there old is something unclear handwritten in Page 706's (corporate) "signature" (it looks like"eij", but cannot have been intended to be that (it wouldn't make sense in either French or English); perhaps it is supposed to be "cie". (abbreviation for "Compagnie" in the corporate name)  ) -- but that is by no means perfectly clear (the last letter seems to extend downward, for some reason, and I don't know of "e"s that "do that").

    In short: I have done what I could, but the only further thing that I could possibly do is "Submit for Review" (although I'm not sure who could do anything with the shorthand in Page 705 or the last handwritten bit (quite-possibly an abbreviation) in Page 706.

    2) The 2nd pages-long French-language text (typewritten; a semi-explanation in English at the top of Page 722 calls it a "Newspaper clipping" "from Turkey"; the text goes beyond the description (in French) with the heading "PARTIE FRANCAISE" [sic ( French-language text would have a cedilla under the "C", but it seems that someone at the State Department typed it).

    (This heading would mean "FRENCH PART" or "FRENCH SECTION".]

    This text looks quite interesting (and being typewritten, is even more of interest to me) ; it seems to discuss (heading/title beneath the heading I just cited "Panamericanism. The Monroe Doctrine. American Expansion."

    The transcribed "clipping" actually extends from Page 722 to Page 726.

    (Page 726 is said to have been "Completed" by someone, but I would like for someone to "reopen" the Page for (brief) "Review" -- because a typewritten final "a" in "montrera" (= "will show") was mis-read as an "s", yielding "montrers" (which is not a French-language word).

    Could someone "reopen" the page??)

    The work on these pages should be relatively-straightforward ( the transcriber should be watching out, however, for smudged typewritten letters in reading it).

    3) You are correct, Laurie N., in stating that the next pages-long stretch of French-language text is on Pages 729 to 732 (which contain the page proofs for the article "NOTRE INTERVIEW DU PRÉSIDENT ROOSEVELT" for the periodical "Les Lectures pour Tous" (which I believe was meant to mean approximately "Readings for All" or "Readings for Everyone")... -- which are seen in Page 705 to have been "submitted" for President Roosevelt's review.

    These pages are quite-densely-packed with text (and the text in the various columns doesn't end "neatly" as it would in a published page) -- and there are markings (by someone at the Hachette publishers? by President Roosevelt himself?) which I see in some places in the right margins which are a bit difficult to decipher (not least whether marks to the left of comments are to be read as "1" or as "/").

    (It's not clear to me exactly which parts of the proofs text each refers to, either.  )

    It would take quite a bit of time and of work (relatively-speaking, for only 4 "Pages") to complete the transcription of these proofs (and therefore, I am not volunteering to work on these myself).

    3A) I wish to note that while the only distinct text in Image 727 is a simple handwritten notation "in English" ("[ca. 8-3-06]"), someone transcribing it seems to have noticed a bit of the French-language page proofs "peeking out" (and unclear) at the bottom of the page -- and has tried to transcribe it (not completely accurately).

    Question to more-experienced Transcribers and/or to moderators at the Library of Congress: Should the French-language page-proof material at the bottom of this page be deleted from the page's transcription (it seems to have been "accidentally" scanned with the page with the date notation), or should the current French-language transcription be revised (the passage can be more-easily read in at least 1 of the later page-proof pages )?


    4) The Spanish-language text page numbers seem correct -- and adding accent marks doesn't seem (to me) to be as though it would take much work itself, but...:

    the text consists of 2-columned pages with English-language (at left) and Spanish-language (at right) texts of a (proposed?) Tariff Agreement between the US and Spain -- and retaining line breaks in the Spanish-language column has led Spanish-language text to "wander over" to the English-language column (which makes following both the English-language and Spanish-language texts more difficult to follow  ).

    What is to be done with this?

    ("re-format" the transcription so that the English-language text could be on top rather than at left, so that lines in 1 language will remain with other lines in the same language??)


    I regret that I put off posting until nearly 5 PM  Eastern Time (I started drafting this after 4 PM Eastern Time) : while I believe that this means that my post will not be reviewed before Tuesday morning February 1st, I hope that it will be reviewed February 1st -- and will be viewable relatively-early February 1st.

    Thanks for reading this post (I hope all the way to this point)..

    Ethan W. Kent/"EthanFromBellmore" -- in New York City.

  • Hi Ethan,

    I've reopened page 726 for you!…

    On pg. 727, I would revise the French-language proof since another volunteer has already taken the time to transcribe it.

    In terms of the two-column format for the Spanish/English documents, I think your suggestion to slightly re-format the transcription where the English (or Spanish) text appears in an unbroken list followed by the other makes the most sense. If you think about the multiple uses for this data, preserving the column format in this case might actually hinder readibility for screen readers (the screen reader would move between Spanish and English, line-by-line not column-by-column) and for those who would download the transcription into a TXT or Excel file.

    Hopefully that cover it in terms of your question but feel free to reply if you have others! Thanks!


    By the People Community Manager

  • Dear Abby/Ms. Shelton,

    This is an incomplete and unwanted short-dish reply to your reply message of this morning (when checking to see if there were any other responses to my message of yesterday (posted today), I lost my original draft -- and will not be returning to that soon).

    Thanks for your reply and your responses, Abby -- although I was actually hoping for different responses concerning page 727 (in which French-language page-proof text "peeks out" below the sheet with the only distinct text (the date notation and the double-columned English-language text/Spanish-language text pages (I had actually figured out how to (with fewer spaced between columns) I could accommodate (it seems) both columns -- although I appreciate that placing the English-language (left-columns) text above the Spanish-language (right-columns) text in the transcription could improve the readability of the transcriptions for readers.

    (I have made the 1-character correction to page 726 and submitted that transcription (again) for Review, and I have submitted page 705's transcription for Review.

    I have not submitted Image 706's transcription.

    I also did some work (before seeing your reply, Abby) on the transcription of the transcribed-"clipping" (in French) from Turkey.)


    I have some other questions (1 not related to this thread at all), though:

    1) I have noticed (in the same batch of Theodore Roosevelt Papers pages) other individual pages whose transcriptions have been labeled as "Completed" -- but whose transcriptions still contain small errors: should I try to find them and list them here (or in a separate thread)??

    2) (Back to this thread's main content:) About the page-proofs pages (729 through 732):

    A) How are marginal notes advising revisions to the proofs to be handled in the transcription (although I am NOT volunteering to work with these pages) -- as "marginalia"?

    (As proof-corrections, they seem to me to be essential parts of the transcription (I only see them in connection to 1 proofs passage (seen in both page 731 & page 732) ) -- but it looks to me difficult-to-impossible to determine exactly where in the proofs texts they "belong" (or which exact places in the text they refer to.)

    B) (I suspect the answer is "Yes," but:) Where proofs text is seen in more than 1 scanned "page" -- should the repeated material be transcribed (as part of what is seen in more than 1 page)??

    That's all I'm saying for now; Thanks again, Abby.

    Signing off for today,

    Ethan W. Kent/"EthanFromBellmore".

  • PS: In addition to submitting the transcription of Page 727 for Review (after consulting at least 1 of the somewhat-clearer scans of the same material in Images 729 and 730), I have added to the page 727 transcription a Tag stating "French text also seen in pages 729 and 730".

    Best Wishes to all for (Groundhog Day) February 2, 2022 (or 2/2/2022, or 2/2/22).

    Ethan (Ethan W. Kent/"EthanFromBellmore").

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