8/14/2024: Volunteers completed the Leonard Bernstein campaign in 10 days! On July 31st, we challenged you to review the remaining transcriptions by Bernstein's birthday on August 25. And you went above and beyond to close out the campaign in record time. We'll now begin our internal round of QA and review, then move transcriptions back to loc.gov where they can be used for all sorts of research. Thanks to everyone who participated! 

Help us complete the Leonard Bernstein campaign this month to celebrate the legendary composer's birthday on August 25th! Follow along with our challenge statistics on this page. The pages remaining need volunteers to review transcriptions to accept as complete and accurate or edit for improvements. If you are new to the review process, read our Get Started guide and make sure you are registered for an account

Let us know what you find or post a question below! 

Date Pages Completed/Week Transcriptions saved/Week Review actions/week

Pages remaining

7/31-8/7/2024 737 598 1,359 365
8/8-8/14 365 268 738 0