Looking for court transcript 6:93-cr-10017-JTM from Federal Court in Kansas

In my research on the history of fentanyl I came across a reference to the "Wizard of Wichita", George Marquardt (and his apparent collaborator, Phil Houston). Mr. Marquardt in particular was infamous for being one of the first people in the U.S. to have illicitly manufactured fentanyl in a home lab setting. I have seen articles claiming to quote parts of the transcript from this case, but haven't been able to locate a copy of the transcript itself. I reached out to the United States District Court, District of Kansas and they were able to give me the following info, but do not have a copy of the transcript. Unfortunately, I have not been able to figure out how to apply this info on such a way that I could locate the transcript. Any help would be appreciated.

Case number 6:93-cr-10017-JTM

Volume CS1

Case File USA v. Houston, et al

FRC Shipment Code WICHITA TEMP CRIMINAL 05/24/2000

FRC Accession Number --021-00-0071

Box Number 3

FRC Location LU23-59-3-6

Date Shipped 05/24/2000