Looking for location of records of: U.S. Court for China; U.S. Consular Courts (such as in Japan); Cases heard in int'l court of Tangiers International Zone; U.S. Court for Berlin.

I have had no success so far looking for records from these tribunals. I assume some of these records are held by the State Department. Any guidance would be appreciated!

Parents Reply
  • Thank you for your reply. 

    To narrow the search, I would like to focus solely on the United States Court for Berlin. All papers of that court should be  from 1978-79. During that time it heard a single case, titled:

    United States, as the United States Element, Allied Kommandatura, Berlin v. Tiede, 86 F.R.D. 227 (U.S. Ct. for Berlin 1979).

    The only document I have is the opinion written by the judge. However, there should be other papers such as the transcript, and possibly papers filed by the parties.
