This is a part three in a three part series.

Indexes created by the Federal Courts are valuable research tools to cross-reference a case file number and case type with the involved parties.

Digitized indexes for select courts and case files types are available on the National Archives Catalog. Researchers can “flip” through the digital copies and download their findings.

See parts one and two for more information about these records, examples, and the research process:

Case File Indexes Created by the Federal Courts: Introduction (Part 1 of 3)

Case File Indexes Created by the Federal Courts: Index Examples (Part 2 of 3)

Supreme Court

Index to Case Files, 1792 - 1909

Alphabetical index digitized from Microfilm Publication M408

File Unit Citation: National Archives Identifier 88760458

U.S. District Court for the Eastern (St. Louis) Division of the Eastern District of Missouri.

Direct General Index, 1838 - 1923

Index of names grouped by first letter of surname or company

Listing for Digitized Court Indexes and Dockets from the National Archives at Boston

The National Archives at Boston has digitized several indexes for Federal Courts in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. They maintain and update a list of digitized materials for researchers to explore.

U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island

Name Index to Criminal Cases, 1906 - 1991

File unit citation: National Archives Identifier 146290649