Seeking information on Windham slave named Charity

I am researching the Windham slave name Charity.  She is mentioned in the testimony of her grandson before the Dept. of Interior after filing to be declared a Choctaw Indian.  I want to learn about the Windham family and how she got from Alabama to Mississippi.  In the Census her son appears to be owned by Quincy Windham however I am unable to connect him to any family information at this time. The Windham slave owners lived in Neshoba County, Mississippi.

  • I can find no slave owner in Neshoba Co, Mississippi named Quincy Windham in the 1850 or 1860 slave schedules or regular censuses.  There is a woman, named Unicy Windham, who owned 20 slaves in 1850, including a 45 year old mulatto female.  In the 1860 slave schedule she is listed as U P Windham and she owned 14 slaves, including a 50 year old Black female.  Looking at the regular census for 1850 Unicy is 43 years old and born in Georgia.  Living with her is Jeptha Windham, age 20, born in Alabama.  I would assume that Jeptha is her son and his birth in Alabama might explain how Charity got from Alabama to Mississippi.  She came with her owners.  I looked for probate records in Neshoba Co in hopes that I could find them for whoever Unicy's husband was.  Probate records usually list slaves by name, age, and value.  The probate records for the county are not available on-line prior to 1860.  I also tried to find probate records for Unicy (she does not appear in the 1870 census), but could not find them.  She was selling land at least into 1864, according to land records for the county.

  • I can find no slave owner in Neshoba Co, Mississippi named Quincy Windham in the 1850 or 1860 slave schedules or regular censuses.  There is a woman, named Unicy Windham, who owned 20 slaves in 1850, including a 45 year old mulatto female.  In the 1860 slave schedule she is listed as U P Windham and she owned 14 slaves, including a 50 year old Black female.  Looking at the regular census for 1850 Unicy is 43 years old and born in Georgia.  Living with her is Jeptha Windham, age 20, born in Alabama.  I would assume that Jeptha is her son and his birth in Alabama might explain how Charity got from Alabama to Mississippi.  She came with her owners.  I looked for probate records in Neshoba Co in hopes that I could find them for whoever Unicy's husband was.  Probate records usually list slaves by name, age, and value.  The probate records for the county are not available on-line prior to 1860.  I also tried to find probate records for Unicy (she does not appear in the 1870 census), but could not find them.  She was selling land at least into 1864, according to land records for the county.
